Saturday, October 9, 2010

Opening show for DAR WILLAMS on October 27 in Madison!

This has been on my "dream gig" list for a I guess dreams DO come true!

I'll be opening a show for the one and only amazing DAR WILLIAMS on October 27 at The Barrymore Theatre in Madison. She's been a huge huge inspiration and influence in my career so this is quite a special event for me. (If you've heard me perform, you've more than likely heard me mention her name or do one or more of her songs.)

October 27, 2010 (Wednesday)
Show starts at 7:30, doors open at 6:30
(general admission so you may want to come early for best seats)
Barrymore Theatre - 2090 Atwood Avenue, Madison

Tickets: $26 on sale at Sugar Shack, Star Liquor, Mad City Music, B-Side, Frugal Muse, Strictly Discs, The Barrymore, and online at, or call 608-241-8633.
(This show could easily sell out so make your plans soon!)

All about Dar --

Download flyer here (has ticket sales info and venue address etc):

Handbills for sharing (thank you!!! These are 4 to a page):

Other news:

I just released a special project EP called "In a Sentimental Mood." This is something a bit different from my usual, as it came out of a benefit show I did in 2009 with some great colleagues , helping to fund a mission trip to New Orleans by the youth of Good Shepherd Church (Madision). The event had a jazz theme so the music was a mix of jazz standards and my more jazz-flavored originals. I really enjoyed putting the music together for that show, and wanted to capture a sampling of it. You can read all about it on my website. A portion of sales will help support future activities of the group.

And, I am putting together ANOTHER NEW EP (2 in one year after a LONG lull!), all original, which will be a mix of solo and duo works (will my longtime collaborator Randy Green) with both instrumental and vocal tunes. Hopefully I'll have at least some "pre-release" copies on by the October 27 show with Dar Williams. (And since some of you are asking, YES, "Inside Passage" will be on this new EP.)

Thank you all for your ongoing support!