Saturday, September 8, 2007


9/8/2007: Hello folks - I'm trying this system for posting news bits! So just a few updates on what's new in "Tracy Jane" world.

I've spent much of this year so far concentrating on collaborative shows with some fabulous musicians, most of them fairly local to Madison (Dave Schindele, Nancy Rost, Michael Bryant, Nelson Graham, Tret Fure, and also Alaria Taylor of Milwaukee) but some from farther away (Joe Jencks from Ohio, and Rachel Nelson from Minnesota). I've really been enjoying the chance to play various instruments and sing harmonies in addition to having these fine folks contribute to some of my tunes!

A couple of group collaboratives have been born of those efforts: 3 of Cups (, with Rachel Nelson and Michael "Styx" Kiley plus sometimes special guests, and Likely Stories (, with Dave Schindele and Nancy Rost. I will look forward to performing with each of these entities a few times a year. Likely Stories is actually working on a collaborative CD which will hopefully be out before the end of 2007.

I'll be heading to North Carolina for a couple of shows in early October...then back home and will be again taking a bit of a breather mostly from performing for a while to continue working on some new material. I still plan to release a CD soon that will be all or mostly all guitar instrumentals (some with added instrumentation including cello and hammered dulcimer), but may also release a second CD that will include vocal pieces. Stay tuned...or in the case may be.


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